Corpse Flower Lives! Just as the corpse flower blooms for only a few short days, Laceface has returned after a very long time with a minute but mighty offering of original cello music with extreme deathly stenches and beauty. Corpse Flower Lives! celebrates the long preparation and short lived beauty of the awesome Amorphophallus titanum, the largest and smelliest flower in the world. Unfortunately, everything must die, and corpse flower is no exception. Its beginning decomposition after a few days contributes to inspiration behind track two, Rotting Plant Matter Which Enriches The Soil. Through the rot, we will live on. Track threee, Decomposers, is a ballad dedicated to all the little worms, slugs, beetles and fungi who help make the dead disappear.
Laceface thanks SPH for the incredible Corpse Flower and flies drawings.
A sneak peek of Corpse Flower Lives! is now at bandcamp:
Corpse Flower Lives! Spotify Presave
Corpse Flower Lives! will be released on Spotify on April 14 2023. Presave here!
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