Hodgepodge III by Laceface

Thunderbolts Way – remastered

posted in: hodgepodge, releases | 2

At the risk of suggesting that listening to my music is boring, if I’m tossing and turning in the wee hours, nothing makes me fall asleep faster than putting on my own music. It’s one of the bonuses of being a musician. Your creations that you know so well are like an instant cool breeze in the heat of a summer night, a warm blanket when you’ve got the chills on a winter’s night and so on. It’s very calming. One such night, I was listening to Thunderbolts Way with new ear buds and I discovered something I’ve never heard before. Glitches! Eep! No good, no good at all! So, I’ve set about remastering the song and have just uploaded it to my bandcamp page. If you’ve bought Hodgepodge III, the new glitchless version of Thunderbolts Way should be available for you to download for free as part of your original purchase.

Visit Hodgepodge III at bandcamp here: https://laceface.bandcamp.com/album/hodgepodge-iii

Unfortunately, the new clearer glitchless version makes the other original versions sound very old so I might have to remaster all those too.

If you’d like to learn more about the magical rolling highway that is Thunderbolts Way, you can visit the links below.



If you visit the Thunderbolts Way wikipedia page above, you’ll see the photo of the sign warning “don’t fry your brakes”! Thunderbolts Way crosses the Great Dividing Range and the eastern side is very very steep especially coming down. There was one time following a very slow truck down the mountain and I couldn’t get the car into any lower gear to stay a safe distance behind. I was tapping the brakes gently, trying very hard to use them as minimally as possible. All of a sudden, my foot pushed to the floor of the car! No brakes! I had to swerve the car into a safety ramp on the other side of the road to stop! Well, it was someone’s driveway but it did the trick.

Laceface Hide and Seek Frolic amongst the summer wildflowers and Queen Anne Lace
Laceface Hide and Seek Frolic amongst the summer wildflowers and Queen Anne Lace

This photo was taken Dangars Lagoon on Thunderbolts Way.

Hodgepodge III will soon be delivered to the major streaming platforms.

2 Responses

  1. Amanda Easton

    No brakes, eeek! All the best with the streaming platforms. I’m sure you’ll find some new enthusiastic fans there.

    • Laceface

      Tee hee! It was quite a hair raising experience, not least for the property owners who found this strange creature loitering in their driveway. Apparently it was quite a regular occurrence for them, but I think it was the first time they’d come across a Laceface in distress. πŸ˜† Thank you for the well wishes. All the same to you too with your streaming services and congratulations on all your new music. Sounds so beautiful. πŸŒ»πŸ’›

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