Laceface the cellist

Save Cooks Cove South Update

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A little while ago, a man named Rasmus Torkel bumped into me while I was filming the video for “Swamp Stomp“. He is a keen advocate for saving the large pocket of public land in Sydney’s South from Arncliffe through to Kyeemagh. Both “Stitch” and “Swamp Stomp” have been filmed in different parts of the area. It’s one of my favourite places to visit. It’s an escape from the world, a haven, and it gives me a chance to reconnect in a small way with nature. You wouldn’t believe how many fish and birds I see. Even though it’s used as a dumping ground for some careless humans, the surviving natural beauty sometimes makes me cry.

Kogarah Golf Club put together a billion dollar submission to Bay Council to relocate their golf club to this public land. The people fought it and it’s subsequently been withdrawn. The sub-context to this I fear is that they will come back with bigger and more powerful legal weapons to claim this land.

Rasmus shared my videos on his website (under the tab “The Beauty of Cooks Cove South – Music Videos), in some part to show that beyond the wildlife found there, it’s a culturally significant spot for humans too. While the content of his website is now out of date since the withdrawal of the proposal, you can still learn much about the development and the vast amount of land in question. It would be a travesty for the people to lose this place.

I sincerely hope that Bay Council decides that it’s more valuable as a public space than a private development and puts into action a plan to preserve the area for current and future generations of humans and wildlife.

Visit Rasmus’ website below.

Save Cooks Cove South

by Rasmus Torkel

Love Laceface

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